KEND DIT STÅSTED – og gør det til din personlige GPS - helene bjerg bog dansk saxo

– og gør det til din personlige GPS

”KEND DIT STÅSTED” leder dig til et sted med klar retning og mere fast grund under fødderne. Herfra er det ikke kun nemmere at leve og præstere, der er også mere fred og glæde. Når du lever fra DIT STÅSTED, øges dit selvværd. Din fornyede tydelighed og energi forbedrer dit bidrag til verden. Fra dit ståsted kan du gøre både dit og andres liv bedre gennem f.eks. bedre kommunikation, gennemslagskraft, konflikt- og krisehåndtering. Når du følger de månedlige opgaver i bogen, er det håndgribeligt hvordan du træder tættere på DIT ståsted (Revideret og oversat udgave af Unfolding Your Power – se nedenfor)

Earth(ly) Matter(s)

helene bjerg earthly matters book bog

Sustainable Living From the Inside Out

This book is about how you and I can change our connection with ourselves in a way that will make sustainable living the only way. In practical and tangible ways, you will be guided to connect with YOUR OWN ECOSYSTEM and with this connection you will naturally bring more sustain- ability to you, everyone around you and Mother Earth. By engaging in the circular process of your ecosys- tem, you will naturally begin to thrive in the changing world we live in, and increase your response – ability in all of life’s circumstances.

Unfolding your power

books unfolding your power helene bjerg

By living Your Personal GPS

On my path I have met many people that are searching for something to hold on to. My own search started when I was 20. I was studying and when I graduated I got a good job. I was building a very nice life and good resume. Hard work on a lifelong treadmill was in front of me and today I can see how that would never have been enough. Maybe you recognize this longing for doing more of what is good for you and not just what is expected.

I started a journey of self development, and I found a lot of recipes on how to fix my symptoms. I worked hard to implement all I learned, looking for relief. But it wasn’t until many years later I realized that I didn’t needed fixing. I just needed unfolding of what was already there. Slowly the feeling of being lost faded, and I finally came home.