
Good leadership starts with leading yourself

It took me four years to decide to confront a big professional failure, which was a source of angst and frustration that always lurked in the background even if my career had moved on and progressed. I am lucky to have had Helene as a partner in helping me unravel the feelings behind that failure, and in having me refocus my energy based on my core values. I always believed I had a clear understanding of what my values are, but it was not until Helene had me write them down, digest them, reformulate them and crystallize them that I understood them in depth and made them the foundation of my choices and behaviors.

It’s a bit of a cliche to say that good leadership starts with leading yourself, but it’s nonetheless true and a great feeling of fulfillment once it becomes clear emotionally as well as rationally. I have Helene to thank for that.

Danilo Verge, VP Global Medical Affairs, Zealand Pharma A/S


My authentic leadership

I looked for a coach to help me find who I can be as a leader at a time when I was stepping up to a much bigger leadership role. Helene took me on a journey I couldn’t have imagined, finding who I am not only as a leader but as a person too. I connected with my own personal drivers to live and lead from a more authentic place. I expected the process to be quite hard emotionally, but it rarely was. It felt very natural. We explored areas I felt energized by and that naturally brought me forward. Every coaching session with Helene has been an absolute joy and I will miss our conversations. But I will keep and bring a lot of learnings with me.

Studio Director for a major tech and gaming company, USA


Stand stronger in your foundation

Helene promises from the beginning that the process she uses will align you better with your own values.  Not the coach’s, the therapist’s, the teacher’s, the boss’ or the community’s. In my opinion, Helene’s biggest strength is that she is actually able to put herself in her clients’ shoes and make herself authentically available to them, so that you feel that it is about finding what is just right for you, and not about reaching a truth or insight that would please the coach or confirm their beliefs or ideals.

With such a pure starting point, you quickly reach your own core, which is authentic to that which gives energy, satisfaction and joy.

Helene shares concrete tools and methods that support one in anchoring your values ​​in daily life and dealing with situations where these values ​​are put to the test. It is very effective. It’s a bit like training a muscle through exercise, and just like physical training, it makes you stand stronger in your foundation.

I highly recommend Helene – It’s a joint commitment.

Maria Steffensen, Director, Danske Bank, Denmark


My journey took off

My conversations with Helene quickly went in a different direction than anticipated. Initially I looked backwards, to the side and inward to a greater extent than I had expected. So much to my pleasant surprise that the desire to look ahead did not return until much later. Through an unfailingly trusting dialogue and challenging questions from Helene, I experienced the value of digging deep.

Our conversations took me on a new and completely different journey that I would not have otherwise embarked upon. Today, my choices come from a completely different place within me. More importantly though, I now make the choices and I feel good about them!

Helene challenged me in new ways that I needed; she is not afraid to bring in new and exciting approaches to coaching, when applicable.

Michael Reved, Former Head of Legal Denmark, Danske Bank, First Vice President – currently pursuing a long held dream in Ireland.



Without values ​​ – no foundation

The work with Helene has had values ​​and what energizes as the focal point – both the personal and the organizations values. The consciousness about own and others values ​​and what energizes has made a big positive difference in the implementation of a new strategy. In part, the values ​​have contributed to greater clarity, but also to a strong foundation for navigating in the change, rather than being paralyzed by fear.

Other keywords have been courage and vulnerability, and personally, I have no doubt that Helene’s contribution in these areas contributes to creating a culture that makes it easier for all to bring themselves into play for the benefit of both the individual and the company.

Helene moves effortlessly at all levels of the organization and builds trust in a short period of time. In addition, her business understanding and ability to move seamlessly between the highly commercial and the holistic is truly unique.

Lars Sander Matjeka, Board member & Sales & Marketing Director DHL Danmark, Denmark

Read an interesting article about Lars’ leadership (page 6 – in danish) here


Now I know what is important to me – both professionally and privately

You hit the wall, it all goes black, and you have difficulty finding the way out of the tunnel. That was my situation back in early 2015. Through an acquaintance I became aware of Helene as her blog post, “Why Opening Yourself Up Is The Only Way Out” hit my social networks.

I contacted Helene, and through a structured process with various tasks, observations and conversations I got hold of what is important to me professionally, but also privately. Helene has always guided me through the process with incredible professionalism, and taken the time to understand my problems.

What I have learned from Helene is part of the new me. It is something I will always be grateful for.

Thank you, Helene Bjerg for many instructive and delightful hours.

Jeppe Høier, Partner Maersk Growth. at A.P. Møller – Maersk, Denmark


The fog has lifted – and it is replaced by clear direction and energy

In my coaching sessions with Helene, the thick layer of conventional thinking and tone deafness towards the values that really drive me has been dissolved. Slowly but surely, values and actions crucial to my well-being that had fallen by the wayside are now flourishing again. And for the first time in a long time I feel how it feels to allow my decisions and direction to be guided by what really drives and gives me energy.

Through tests, tenacity and targeted conversations it became apparent to me that I myself hold the compass to navigate my life, and in fact I already know the direction in which to go. But the map was faded and the compass defective.

Through small cracks in the armor of everyday stress and work fatigue, Helene helped me to strengthen my belief in my self and my values and created a strong foundation to build on.

Anders Sælan, CEO & Founder, Applied Design, Denmark


Helene has made me realize that I have the courage to seek more demanding opportunities

Through a team leadership development program Helene took me and my colleagues through a strength-based leadership journey.  During this program, I was also shown the importance of identifying which key values make a difference and create energy in my daily work. Helene is extremely good at making complex matters simple and seeing and utilizing the resources within people. During a workshop with Helene I would always feel special, challenged and vulnerable, yet strong and competent. In summary, through this process Helene has made me ready to seek new and more demanding opportunities.

On top of her professionalism – I just really like Helene, as she is a genuine and inspiring person. And I particularly admire how much Helene offers of herself in the coaching relationship.

Rikke Festersen, Senior Director. Novonesis, Denmark


Development, challenge and safe guidance

Professional and personal may sound like opposites, but when sitting in the seat in front of Helene they merge to a guidance and challenge of very high class.

Over a period of about 1½ years I have regularly seen Helene as a coach firstly in connection with an outplacement and subsequently with the aim to further develop my leadership skills in relation to a new management team and a new business.

Development is really the key word here – if you do not have an honest desire to see yourself with new glasses and change behavior where it matters, then do not waste your time or Helene’s. But if you want to be challenged and grow as an executive, you can not find a better mentor or coach.

Try it – if you sincerely want to move to the next level.

Anders Gram, Board member and consultant, Denmark.


You have to want to develop together with Helene – and you cannot help but want to!

Over the course of a year, the teachers at our school have been guided through an individual and team development process. From day one Helene has met us with high integrity, positive expectations and curiosity. With her firm and professional style, Helene has helped us to move our focus from the things that were taking our attention to things that are actually important and meaningful.

In the process of unfolding our potential, we have become wiser about ourselves and each other. We have been challenged and supported both individually and as a team, and with a clear common direction we have freed and strengthened what drives us: joy, passion and presence.

We already had high expectations for Helene, but still we have been pleasantly surprised. The result has been energizing and creates a breeding ground for new development and learning. “It’s not a destination, it’s a journey” – thank you, Helene, for getting us started!

Sanne Baungaard Wiedemann, Principal at Hillerød Lilleskole (High School), Denmark


My way to internally guided leadership

I have worked with Helene Bjerg over a long period of time, during which she has guided me back on the right track. For several years I had been operating unconsciously and was ignoring the signals that my body was sending me. Helene taught me about internally guided leadership; how to take responsibility for myself and begin to notice my feelings and senses and the ways that I talk and think about myself.

Helene is super skilled, empathic and has guided me as a whole person in learning that both the body and mind work together to create our reality. She has helped me define my goals both as an individual and as a professional. Overall, Helene helped me to release new energy, from which I benefit every day in my work and the rest of my life.

Susanne Bossen, Former Principal at Gentofte Senior Highschool, Denmark


I have gained courage and commitment to follow my personal compass

With great empathy and a very steady hand, Helene has led me through a difficult process.
Helene creates a safe space while still challenging. This meant that we cut to the chase and got focused on achieving progress in my journey. Helene is ambitious and expects commitment, and every single meeting with her had a great impact on my development. Step by step Helene helped unfold my resources, and through continuous insight the pieces fell into place. I have become aware of my values and what is really important to me in my career. My personal compass was rediscovered and I have learned how to read and follow it in my everyday work life. Helene has given me an invaluable insight and courage to follow the compass.

Malene Eigtved, Lawyer, Associated partner NJORD Law Firm og Certified mediator, Denmark.


If you are serious about individual and organizational development, use Helene!

Helene Bjerg is a warm and sharp consultant and coach that creates profound development.  Helene has been responsible for introducing strength-based development in both my newly formed management team and area of almost one year. With infectious enthusiasm and optimism, Helene worked with us both as a management team and as individual leaders. Helene manages the best way to be both inspiring, supportive and challenging at the same time. The process has moved us significantly and today we are a very strong team with clear goals and visions of how to develop ourselves, our employees and the whole area.

Helene’s unmistakable commitment is paired with a strong focus on and link to our business goals and results, which has made it possible to lift our overall performance.

Also, Helene has introduced and worked with the strengths of our employees, both in the form of plenary sessions and individual coaching sessions. The feedback from both managers and employees is the same – Helene has been an inspiration, given food for thought and been challenging with respect for the individual.

Sune Lobedanz, Director, Novo Nordisk, Denmark


Where Helene is, there is development.

Helene is an extremely good coach who meets you where you are and help you use your resources to achieve your desired results.
Her background in the consulting world can not be denied. Her coaching is focused on creating business results.
The ability to bring new research and theory into the field and put it into action is very unique and something that I have rarely experienced. The fact that Helene continuously updates herself in basic research in the area makes her concepts and approach to problems based on a solid and well-thought-out foundation.
It also means that there is always a clear track. Detours are of course allowed, but one is always guided back on track with a steady hand.
Helene works with a high level of ambition. This means that the objective of the cooperation should be measurable ambitious. In my experience, this combined with effective follow-up ensures the achievement of real lasting results.

Liselotte Munk, CEO, Fadata Group, München, Germany


Helene Bjerg has managed to create a whole new perspective and positive sentiment about the staff development of both managers and employees.

Together we have put the development perspective on the agenda. Helene has assisted in putting renewed focus on employee development by helping to create a new, simple and conversation-value-added performance appraisal concept with a focus on the future development potential. In this context Helene has assisted in training the application of the concept, in a way that made sense for the individual employees’ own development.

Vibeke T. Aagaard, Executive Director, Ernest & Young, Denmark


Helene’s great skills as a coach are supported by a solid business understanding. Helene keeps a delicate balance between the two and makes sure they are used at the right time and place. 

Helene has assisted Emcon – and myself as Director – through a development process that started with sparring on the strategic line and the company’s vision, and later developed into a deployment of strength-based development in performance appraisals, recruitment and succession planning.

In addition to her credentials, Helene is very pleasant to work with – try it!

Jeppe Blak-Lunddahl, CEO, Emcon A/S, Denmark


Helene Bjerg has a genuine belief in the potential of the individual and does not recoil from ambitious goals. 

Helene has been fully engaged and acted as a valuable coach, sounding board and facilitator.

Helene has enthusiastically led my managers and me through a demanding and compressed change process. The process involved both development of the organization and personal development of each one of us, including restructuring, behavioral change, team building, leadership development and coaching of all middle managers. With solid knowledge on all parts, Helene supported and challenged us as we reached the desired result.

Ole Bjørn Harang, Director of Market and Distribution, Gjensidige Bank, Norway


Working with Helene has been a fantastic experience and an interesting journey led by an outstanding partner who is still a role model for me. Thank you.

Helene helped Amadeus IT Group SA build a team of internal coaches at management level, and was well received by all participantsin the program.The program lasted 6 months and involved training and individual coaching of leaders.

As part of my own certification at the OCM I had the pleasure of working with Helene for 6 months, and I could not have been coached by a better person. During the program, Helene guided me intensely and she was a master of always finding the right balance between support and challenge. I appreciate Helene’s empathy and her ability to listen; in her company you always feel accepted and understood. Helene has helped me find my own way into the coaching field.

Holger Reinhard, Former HR Manager Personnel Development , Amadeus IT Group SA, Erdinger, Germany.