The easiest way to your goals

road-sun-rays-path_FotorDo you know which goals you really want to accomplish but you are constantly doubting and worrying?  If you are like many people you are focusing more on the hindrances and risk associated with reaching your goals than on the things that actually bring you closer to them. Sometimes this will even cause you to give up.

We somehow have gotten the impression that this focus will keep us on our toes and ensure that we reach our goals and dreams. We might even find that it works sometimes – but with an unreasonable amount of effort, trouble and pain. It doesn’t have to be that way.By simply making a shift in your focus and believing in your goals, the journey towards them will be a lot easier.

Filling your mind with doubts and worries about reaching your goals will only have you looking for things that could go wrong rather than on the opportunities that are right in front of you. When you take a leap of faith and believe in your goals things will be a lot easier – no matter how ambitious you may be. That is when you will start spotting supporting relationships and situations in places you may not have expected, and slowly you will move closer to your goal or your dream.

When you lose track it is very easy to get caught up in the misery and focus on all the things that go awry, it is only human. But too much focus on the misery will only make it worse.

Of course there should be room for doubt once in a while – this will only make you believe even stronger when you get back on track. You just can’t fill your mind with doubts and worries all the time. So what to do?

You need to start focusing on what’s working where you are and what you have already accomplished. Doing this will keep your energy flowing and your eyes open to the opportunities along the way. It takes practice but this will make you even more effective as you travel the road towards your goals, and at the same time it will be easier and more fun.


In short here is what to do:

  1. Practice focusing on what is working. To begin with, find the small things that are troubling you on your way towards your goal. Insist on finding things that are actually working well or that you have already accomplished in this situation. This new mindset takes practice and can initially be very difficult. As you start mastering it you can increase the stakes and include larger things in your life.
  1. Build a solid vision of your goals  and keep it alive even when things go awry.
  1. When you start worrying or doubting – Focus on the goal/dream and be on the lookout for opportunities that will facilitate your journey going forward.


Good luck with finding the easy way to reaching your goals!

Skærmbillede 2014-08-01 kl. 13.07.17